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Nougat Factory of Montélimar

This time a group of students from other university joined us for this trip. We started with a visit in Souze-la-Rousse castle. It was built in 12th century by the princess of Orange. This fortress dominated the surrounding area and guaranteed its occupants perfect security. Legend says that castle gain its name ‘’La Rousse’’-meaning orange haired-because of princess Orange long wavy, orange hair. But guide told us that it is because of the orange colored soil stone that are surrounding this area. Castle is beautiful with its cream-colored stone walls and architectural details and also surroundings of this castle are amazing as it is placed on hill with incredible landscapes and nature around it.


After tour of the castle, we went to wine degustation where each of us had our own seat and three glasses for wine prepared, also a paper sheet and bottle of water. Other students that study oenology, have waited for us, to present different wine appellations of red and white wines. They talked about each wine specific aromas and taste. After presentation we had to guess which of three white and three red wines are from which appellation. It was tough to guess but, in the end, I guessed correctly all red wines. Students who presented, were great! I especially appreciated their effort in speaking and presenting in English language. Some were shy and made some minor mistakes, but they really tried and made this wine tasting fun and enjoyable.

Later we grabbed a bite in a local café and went to the next destination-Montélimar nougat factory.


It wasn’t that far, and we rushed to be on time, but when we arrived, we had to wait for about 15 minutes for them to open entrance door. Then followed by an hour-long presentation of nougat history and other information which I could not understand that well as it was in French language. Only text in presentation was in English, but it didn’t include all the story that presentator was speaking. It was hard to follow up to her. Even French bachelor students that came with us, were slowly closing their eyes. Finally, we moved to a tour around the factory. Everybody received white robes, hat to cover hair and two sacs to cover shoes. Then we washed our hands and entered factory. It was quiet and not so busy because it was their inventory counting day, so machines were not working, all the processes were stopped. The guide was quick and fun. He showed us how many different types of honey and other products they use to make nougat. Basically, nougat consist of honey, saharoze (sugar), sometimes egg and toasted almonds. Nougat can be hard or soft and have different ingredients. The machines looked very complicated, but guide explained everything understandable. He event mentioned some terrible accidents that happened with the staff while packing nougat. It was terrible and I stepped away not to hear more. Now they have more protection around machines, and it is safer. We ended up by saying big thank you to our guide and filling pocket with offered nougat.

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